rcdevs 100 days ago
Comment: How about swapping password rotation fatigue for real-time leak detection?
The system checks passwords against a database of millions of known weak or leaked passwords. The process starts with locally hashing the user's password. Only the first five characters of the hash are then transmitted and a service compares this partial hash to its database and returns possible matches, allowing verification if the full hash is compromised locally.
tomolpi 100 days ago
Comment: How about swapping password rotation fatigue for real-time leak detection?
Quote from @150940:
Quote from @kpunkt:

Yes, but he was too stupid to put the link in.
It will come.
The moderator monitors this 😉
150940 100 days ago
Comment: How about swapping password rotation fatigue for real-time leak detection?
Quote from @kpunkt:

Yes, but he was stupid to put the link in.
It will come.
kpunkt 100 days ago
Comment: How about swapping password rotation fatigue for real-time leak detection?
Yes, but he was stupid to put the link in. So you can just do it for him...
150940 100 days ago
Comment: How about swapping password rotation fatigue for real-time leak detection?
Spam Spam Spam ...
kpunkt 100 days ago
Comment: How about swapping password rotation fatigue for real-time leak detection?
Nah....How real-time is real-time? And who notices the data breach? If it's breached by capable people, it will take months for the breach to be discovered.
The problem is not the management of passwords, but the passwords themselves.
rcdevs 100 days ago
General13 comments
How about swapping password rotation fatigue for real-time leak detection?
Hi there!

Traditional password rotation policies, while meant to enhance security, can lead to user fatigue and even weaker security as users struggle to keep up with frequent changes. Instead, real-time password leak detection offers a more effective and user-friendly approach. By actively monitoring for compromised credentials, real-time checks alert users the moment a password is detected in a data breach. This proactive approach minimizes disruption, enhances security, and provides peace of mind, all without the burden of constant password changes.
Is real-time leak detection the future of password management? What do you think?
rcdevs 100 days ago
rcdevs has registered
Focus: Security - User group: Developer.
150940 106 days ago
4 commentsSolved
Comment: Migrate from Google WorkSpace to Office 365
Will this copy between Google Workspace and Office 365 directly ?
Yes it does.
Perform an automated Google Workspace migration to Microsoft 365 or Office 365 in EAC in Exchange Online
M.Amalie 106 days ago
4 commentsSolved
Comment: Migrate from Google WorkSpace to Office 365
Will this copy between Google Workspace and Office 365 directly ?
ThiloR 108 days ago
ThiloR has registered
Focus: Networks - User group: Administrator.
Ambushclothing 108 days ago
Ambushclothing has registered
Focus: Android/ChromeOS - User group: Application Specialist.
150631 109 days ago
4 commentsSolved
Comment: Migrate from Google WorkSpace to Office 365
Why you don't run an migration batch in Admin Center?
M.Amalie 109 days ago
Question4 commentsSolved
Migrate from Google WorkSpace to Office 365
I need a direct way to migrate from Google Workspace to Office 365 without needing to download and re-upload!
form a Google search I found some tools like AvePoint, Gs Richcopy 360, MultCloud, and more but I don't have experience choosing one, also If there is a free way instead, I will be happy for the help
M.Amalie 109 days ago
M.Amalie has registered
Focus: Networks - User group: Consultant.
christosmistos 111 days ago
christosmistos has registered
Focus: Project Management and Agile Methods - User group: Manager.
Pjordorf 117 days ago
1 comment
Comment: MaharaProject Docker container not working

Quote from @113900:
Can anyone help?
You didn't read everything "This repository is not maintained any more and only made available for historical purposes" from here https://github.com/MaharaProject/mahara-scripts

HAL-9000 117 days ago
HAL-9000 has registered
Focus: Networks - User group: Administrator.
113900 117 days ago
Question1 comment
MaharaProject Docker container not working
Hey Everyone,

i have an mahara-docker-container

-rw-rw-r--  1 daniel   daniel     267 Okt 28 17:16 000-default.conf
-rw-rw-r--  1 daniel   daniel     278 Okt 23 16:42 apache.conf
-rw-rw-r--  1 daniel   daniel     464 Okt 23 15:42 composer.json
-rw-rw-r--  1 daniel   daniel   65349 Okt 23 15:42 composer.lock
drwxrwxrwx  2 daniel   daniel    4096 Okt 24 17:10 config/
drwxr-xr-x  9 www-data www-data  4096 Okt 22 16:38 data/
-rw-rw-r--  1 daniel   daniel     659 Okt 23 16:58 docker-compose.yml
-rw-rw-r--  1 daniel   daniel    2554 Okt 24 17:22 Dockerfile
-rw-rw-r--  1 daniel   daniel     213 Okt 23 20:14 readme.txt
drwxrwxr-x 12 daniel   daniel    4096 Okt 23 15:42 vendor/

The content of the separate files ist

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/mahara/htdocs
    <Directory /var/www/html/mahara/htdocs>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted
        DirectoryIndex index.php

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/mahara/htdocs
    <Directory /var/www/html/mahara/htdocs>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted
        DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

    "name": "mahara/mahara",  
    "description": "Mahara is an open-source ePortfolio and social networking web application.",  
    "require": {  
        "php": ">=7.2",  
        "ext-gd": "*",  
        "ext-mysqli": "*",  
        "ext-intl": "*",  
        "cweagans/composer-patches": "^1.7"  
    "require-dev": {  
        "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.0"  
    "config": {  
        "allow-plugins": {  
            "cweagans/composer-patches": true  

version: '3.8'  
    build: .
      - "8080:80"  
      - ./data:/var/www/html/mahara/data
      - ./config/config.php:/var/www/html/mahara/htdocs/config.php
      - ./000-default.conf:/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf  # Füge diese Zeile hinzu
      - MYSQL_HOST=db
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=mahara
      - MYSQL_USER=mahara
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=secret
    image: mysql:5.7
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=rootpassword
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=mahara
      - MYSQL_USER=mahara
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=secret
      - db_data:/var/lib/mysql

FROM php:7.4-apache

# Install necessary packages
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libfreetype6-dev libmcrypt-dev libicu-dev libxml2-dev \
    mariadb-client git zip unzip make curl \
    && docker-php-ext-install gd mysqli intl xmlrpc \
    && a2enmod rewrite

# Install Composer
RUN curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer

# Install nvm and Node.js
ENV NVM_DIR=/root/.nvm

RUN curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.4/install.sh | bash && \
    . "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" && \  
    nvm install $NODE_VERSION && \
    nvm use $NODE_VERSION && \
    ln -s "$NVM_DIR/versions/node/$(nvm version)/bin/node" /usr/bin/node && \  
    ln -s "$NVM_DIR/versions/node/$(nvm version)/bin/npm" /usr/bin/npm && \  
    npm install --global yarn gulp && \
    ln -s "$NVM_DIR/versions/node/$(nvm version)/bin/yarn" /usr/bin/yarn && \  
    ln -s "$NVM_DIR/versions/node/$(nvm version)/bin/gulp" /usr/bin/gulp && \  
    chmod +x "/usr/bin/node" "/usr/bin/npm" "/usr/bin/yarn" "/usr/bin/gulp"  

# Set the working directory
WORKDIR /var/www/html

# Clean the html directory and clone Mahara source code
RUN rm -rf /var/www/html/* && git clone https://git.mahara.org/mahara/mahara.git /var/www/html/mahara

# Mark the directory as safe for Git
RUN git config --global --add safe.directory /var/www/html/mahara

# Copy composer.json and composer.lock
COPY ./composer.json ./composer.lock /var/www/html/mahara/

# Kopiere die angepasste 000-default.conf in den Apache-Konfigurationsordner
COPY ./000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf

# Allow Composer plugin
RUN composer config --no-plugins allow-plugins.cweagans/composer-patches true

# Install Mahara dependencies via Composer
RUN composer install --no-dev

# Install Yarn dependencies and check available gulp tasks
RUN /bin/bash -c "source $NVM_DIR/nvm.sh && yarn install && gulp --tasks"  

# Check if 'build' task exists before running it 
RUN /bin/bash -c "source $NVM_DIR/nvm.sh && if gulp --tasks | grep -q 'build'; then gulp build; else echo 'No build task found'; fi"  

# Copy config.php into the container
COPY ./config/config.php /var/www/html/mahara/config.php

# Set permissions for www-data
RUN chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html && chmod -R 755 /var/www/html

# Set the DocumentRoot to the Mahara htdocs directory
RUN echo 'DocumentRoot /var/www/html/mahara/htdocs' > /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf  

# Expose the default port

$cfg = new stdClass();

// Datenbankkonfiguration
$cfg->dbtype = 'mysql';  // Oder 'postgres', falls du PostgreSQL verwendest  
$cfg->dbhost = 'db'; // Der Name des DB-Services in der docker-compose.yml  
$cfg->dbname = 'mahara'; // Der Name der Datenbank  
$cfg->dbuser = 'mahara'; // Der Benutzername für die Datenbank  
$cfg->dbpass = 'secret'; // Das Passwort für die Datenbank  

// Datenverzeichnis
$cfg->dataroot = '/var/www/html/mahara/data'; // Das Verzeichnis für Daten (dies sollte auf das Volume verweisen)  

// URL der Anwendung
$cfg->wwwroot = 'http://localhost:8080'; // Die URL, unter der Mahara erreichbar ist  

// Weitere Einstellungen (optional)
$cfg->theme = 'default'; // Das Standard-Theme  
$cfg->debug = false; // Debugging deaktivieren
$cfg->enablelog = true; // Logging aktivieren

// Wichtige Einstellungen
$cfg->release = '23.04.0'; // Version von Mahara (aktualisieren, wenn notwendig)  

$cfg->debug = true;
$cfg->perftofoot = true;
$cfg->log_dbg_targets = LOG_TARGET_SCREEN | LOG_TARGET_ERRORLOG;

When i open the website in a browser, i only see

# Index of /
|![[ICO]](http://localhost:8080/icons/blank.gif)|[Name](http://localhost:8080/?C=N;O=D)|[Last modified](http://localhost:8080/?C=M;O=A)|[Size](http://localhost:8080/?C=S;O=A)|[Description](http://localhost:8080/?C=D;O=A)|
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|![[ ]](http://localhost:8080/icons/unknown.gif)|[config.php](http://localhost:8080/config.php)|2024-10-23 12:22|1.0K||

Apache/2.4.54 (Debian) Server at localhost Port 8080

Can anyone help?

Thanks 4 all
Spartak 119 days ago
Spartak has registered
Focus: Networks - User group: Researcher.
dorjjj 120 days ago
dorjjj has registered
Focus: Windows in general - User group: Administrator.
fizzpin 121 days ago
fizzpin has registered
Focus: Other systems - User group: Administrator.
xskidy 125 days ago
xskidy has registered
Focus: Server in general - User group: Administrator.
pegnose 125 days ago
1 commentSolved
Comment: RDP connection to Windows 10 client fails with code 0x904
Figured it out myself. Turns out there was an issue with the TLS certificate used for RDP services. I had to delete the current one.

I found got a System error event in the logs relating to the source "Schannel" (id 36870) and the TLS server private key. I also got a security Audit failure event (id 5016) pointing me to the TSSecKeySet1, which apparently failed to open.

The solution was to delete the TSL certificate used by RDP service. I did this via the mmc and the snap-in "Certificates"., where there is a section for Remote Desktop. It seems you can just delete the RDP certificate and a new one gets created upon next connection.

This old article also pointed me in the right direction:
https://oli.new-lan.de/2017/11/probleme-mit-rdp-schannel-event-id-36870- ...

Log Name:      System
Source:        Schannel
Date:          20.10.2024 19:47:00
Event ID:      36870
Task Category: None
Level:         Error
User:          SYSTEM
Computer:      xxx
A fatal error occurred when attempting to access the TLS server credential private key. The error code returned from the cryptographic module is 0x8009030D. The internal error state is 10001.
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">  
    <Provider Name="Schannel" Guid="{1f678132-5938-4686-9fdc-c8ff68f15c85}" />  
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2024-10-20T17:47:00.7027659Z" />  
    <Correlation ActivityID="{faca067a-2310-0002-d506-cafa1023db01}" />  
    <Execution ProcessID="980" ThreadID="596" />  
    <Security UserID="xxx" />  
    <Data Name="Type">server</Data>  
    <Data Name="ErrorCode">0x8009030d</Data>  
    <Data Name="ErrorStatus">10001</Data>  

Log Name:      Security
Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing
Date:          20.10.2024 19:47:00
Event ID:      5061
Task Category: System Integrity
Level:         Information
Keywords:      Audit Failure
User:          N/A
Computer:      xxx
Cryptographic operation.

	Account Name:		xxx
	Account Domain:		xxx
	Logon ID:		0x3E4

Cryptographic Parameters:
	Provider Name:	Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider
	Algorithm Name:	UNKNOWN
	Key Name:	TSSecKeySet1
	Key Type:	Machine key.

Cryptographic Operation:
	Operation:	Open Key.
	Return Code:	0x80090016
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">  
    <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing" Guid="{54849625-5478-4994-a5ba-3e3b0328c30d}" />  
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2024-10-20T17:47:00.7027575Z" />  
    <Correlation ActivityID="{faca067a-2310-0002-d506-cafa1023db01}" />  
    <Execution ProcessID="980" ThreadID="596" />  
    <Security />
    <Data Name="SubjectUserSid">xxx</Data>  
    <Data Name="SubjectUserName">xxx</Data>  
    <Data Name="SubjectDomainName">xxx</Data>  
    <Data Name="SubjectLogonId">0x3e4</Data>  
    <Data Name="ProviderName">Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider</Data>  
    <Data Name="AlgorithmName">UNKNOWN</Data>  
    <Data Name="KeyName">TSSecKeySet1</Data>  
    <Data Name="KeyType">%%2499</Data>  
    <Data Name="Operation">%%2480</Data>  
    <Data Name="ReturnCode">0x80090016</Data>  
pegnose 125 days ago
Question1 commentSolved
RDP connection to Windows 10 client fails with code 0x904
I have a Win10 workstation to which I cannot RDP. I use the built-in RDP client from Win11. The connection fails with the following message (translated from German):

"Error code: 0x904
Extended error code: 0x7"

The workstation is fully set up and working fine otherwise. A lot of customization has been done by the main user. Would be a shame to have to do all this again. However, RDP is vital for the use case on this machine.

Unfortunately, I had trusted the main user with installing his own software. And for whatever reason he had been running Windows 7 Firewall Controll, and then later removed it. He contacted me when he found he cannot longer RDP.

What I have already tried:
- connecting via NetBios name as well as IPv4 address (both pingable)
- resetting the Windows firewall
- fully disabling Windows firewall
- resetting the complete network settings as per Win10
- uninstalling the network device from device manager (including driver software) and reinstalling it
- use a different NIC on this machine
- connect from a different guest (even Android)
- use Win10 Firewall Control portable to access the existing rules, but no avail (all has been deleted)
- use the Windows Store RDP app, it also fails to connect with this output (translated from German):

"Error code: 0x4
Extended Error code: 0x0
Activity ID: {98bd10a7-6d18-4103-9336-91673e6a0000}"

What I have checked:
- RDP related services are running
- RDP related firewall rules are set and enabled (plus disabling the firewall does not help)
- I can ping the machine
- I can access shared folders
- I can RDP into a different Windows 10 installation on the same machine (it's dual boot)

What else can I do?
pegnose 125 days ago
pegnose has registered
Focus: Windows desktop - User group: Administrator.
Cilix000 130 days ago
Cilix000 has registered
Focus: Networks - User group: Administrator.
mediapract 131 days ago
mediapract has registered
Focus: Blockchain/Cryptography - User group: Application Specialist.
Frank 133 days ago
Web server tuning: display WebP images directly in the browser
When switching to WebP images, I encountered a little unexpected behaviour: When linked directly, most browsers immediately start downloading WebP images instead of displaying them directly like JPEGs. This is noticeable in comparison to JPEGs, which are usually seamlessly integrated into the website and simply open in a new tab.

How can you give Jpeg images the same behaviour as WebP images?

The solution is called Content-Disposition: inline header (thanks to @colinardo for the tip).

You need to change the 'Content-Disposition' header to 'inline' for WebP images.

For a Lighttpd server it would look like this:

mimetype.assign += ( '.webp' => 'image/webp' )  
     $HTTP['url'] =~ '\.webp$' {  
     setenv.add-response-header = ( 'content-disposition' => 'inline' )  

For the Nginx server:

server {
   # Existing server configuration...
   location ~* \.webp$ {
        add_header Content-Disposition inline;
        add_header Content-Type image/webp;
  # The rest of your server configuration...

For the Apache server:

<IfModule mod_headers.c></code
<FilesMatch '\.webp$'> Header set  
Header set Content-disposition 'inline  
Header set Content-Type 'image/webp  

# Here we make sure that the WebP MIME type is set correctly:
AddType image/webp .webp

After changing the configuration, the server must be restarted.

We have just changed this on administrator.de. WebP images are no longer downloaded automatically (unless the browser does not support WebP), but displayed directly.

Here is a test image for you to try out:


Frank 133 days ago
Intel Screwed Up Again: Core Ultra 200S
On many hardware sites I read the new announcement of the Intel Core Ultra 200S CPU, codenamed Arrow Lake-S. Intel’s latest work is supposed to be the biggest step in the desktop environment in years. I see it differently.

back-to-topAlways those benchmarks

The reports contain numerous benchmarks for applications and games, the smallest improvements in megahertz and RAM speed, what feels like a thousand new interfaces, a new chipset, and so on. All this data is rather boring for the average user. For example: It can handle DDR5–6400, but DDR5–5600 will remain the standard for the time being. It supports ECC RAM, but this will probably never find its way to the desktop (it’s more for Xeon CPUs). Do you find this as exciting as I do?

Or the announcement that the CPU finally supports Thunderbolt 4. Some of the articles mention something new on the desktop. Do the editors know that Thunderbolt 4 has been announced for 2020? Or that the 40 Gbps transfer rate is the same as Thunderbolt 3? Of course, there are advantages between the two generations in general, but to sell that as a major feature? I don’t want to bore you with unimportant details.

What is remarkable is the attention to detail with which even the smallest and most unimportant innovations to the average consumer are covered. The editors really jump on anything Intel’s press department throws at them.

Nevertheless, I read the articles about the many innovations and details.

Some of it is interesting, but I’m starting to get the feeling that these innovations aren’t all that new. I already know many of the features from previous architectures, such as the 3-year-old Raptor Lake or its direct predecessor, the Meteor Lake.

At some point I reach a point that makes me wonder:

Most reviews talk about single-core performance, multi-core performance, and gaming performance. But something is missing from the list, something that is completely changing our IT right now: AI performance.

back-to-topWhere is the NPU for AI?

For those wondering what it is, an NPU (Neural Processing Unit) is a specialised processor optimised for AI applications and machine learning.

Many people believe that a powerful graphics processing unit (GPU) can do the job of a neural processing unit (NPU). However, this is only partially true. While GPUs excel at parallel processing, they are less optimised for AI-specific operations than NPUs. The key difference is power efficiency: NPUs perform AI computations at a fraction of the power consumption of a GPU. It is this specialisation and efficiency that makes NPUs indispensable for modern AI applications, especially when it comes to local processing on devices. They enable powerful AI capabilities while keeping power consumption low - a combination that GPUs cannot offer in this form.

For example, Microsoft recently set a minimum NPU performance of 40 TOPS (trillion operations per second) for its Copilot+ PC. Apple uses around 38 TOPS in its M4 and is laying the groundwork for many new AI features in iOS 18.

In Intel’s official presentation, I found some NPU details buried deep at the end: Intel’s brand new Core Ultra 200S CPU can process a whopping 13 TOPS. Nevertheless, Intel promotes its CPUs with the slogan 'AI everywhere'.

This is well below Microsoft’s specifications and even below the level of the iPhone 14 from two years ago (17 TOPS). This could be one of the reasons why Microsoft has decided to remove Intel processors from its Surface range altogether. Instead, the company has opted for the ARM-based Qualcomm Snapdragon X CPU, whose NPU offers 45 TOPS of performance.

Some will say that AMD’s current Ryzen 9000 series does not need an NPU at all. That’s true, but its successor is already on the horizon: AMD says the Ryzen AI 300 series (‘Strix Point’) will support at least 50 TOPS. What AMD will do with that remains to be seen. Now that the cat is out of the bag, I can well imagine AMD rubbing its hands and wondering what to do.

Why Intel is only offering 13 TOPS is also explained in the press release. There Intel explains surprisingly clearly that they deliberately don’t use larger NPUs because performance per CPU core is more important on the desktop for now and they don’t want to waste space for it (at IFA 2024 at the end of August Intel sounded quite different).

back-to-topThe new reality

A new technology and software that is increasingly changing and determining everyday life is not being integrated because Intel does not consider it important enough?

This is indeed a bit incomprehensible, as Intel already has a 48 TOPS NPU in the ultra mobile space with the Core Ultra 200V. Apart from mobility, I don’t see much difference between a notebook and a desktop.

In my opinion, Intel is completely ignoring reality here. For example, last week there was an update to a well-known developer IDE that now allows local AI to run so that it can better and automatically complete code for the user. Without an NPU, this is almost impossible.

Let’s take a look at general software that doesn’t make you think of AI: modern antivirus software relies on local AI functions to better detect threats. Modern image editing software and translation programs also use local AI. And so on.

back-to-topReduced graphics support and no more hyperthreading

The graphics support on the Core Ultra 200S is similarly disastrous. This is on the same level as its predecessor and is really only suitable for desktop PCs. Intel had actually shown that it could be done differently with the ultra-mobile Core Ultra 200V and Core Ultra 200H, where fast internal graphics were installed (8-core ‘Xe2’ and 8-core ‘Xe XMX’). The new Core Ultra 200S only has the 4 cores of the previous ‘Xe’ generation. What a disappointment.

Intel recommends installing a discrete graphics card. But not everyone, especially companies, will install a discrete graphics card in every desktop for their employees. They will be the minority. Perhaps Intel should rethink its target audience for desktops.

It is also questionable why the new CPU no longer supports hyper-threading, unlike AMD products.

back-to-topAI, a key enabling technology

In summary, we have a fundamentally new key enabling technology in AI that is very likely to completely change the market, programmes and life in the next few years.

And what NPU is too small and underpowered for it: Intel’s brand new Core Ultra 200S CPU. Congratulations to Intel.

This means that Microsoft’s new AI features are out of the question, and only time will tell if the power of 13 TOPS is enough for small local AI software. Microsoft and Apple certainly don’t think so.

Given this situation, is it wise for individuals or businesses to invest in a computer with the new Core Ultra 200S CPU if it is likely to support only limited future technologies and the manufacturer is underestimating the importance of AI support?

Who is this CPU aimed at? Is it aimed primarily at hardcore gamers who have little interest in future AI developments? Sooner or later, it could also turn out that, for example, a virus scanner with local AI functionality is significantly slower without an NPU.

back-to-topSomething positive

If there is anything positive to be said about the new CPU, it is that it finally works in a power-saving way. The competition has been doing this for a while, but after the last unstable Core processor disaster, it was important.

back-to-topA flop

Personally, the new CPU is a flop. Not enough NPU power, not enough interest from Intel in new possibilities. Either they didn’t get it right technically, or they need to rethink their marketing department. How can you design a CPU that misses the market so completely? Apple, Microsoft, ARM and others have realised this. Intel can no longer see the forest for the trees and has been clinging to old patterns for too long.

AI everywhere should feel different.


To all the hardware sites and editors who no longer notice that they uncritically copy Intel press releases or get lost in technical details: It is possible to be critical of big companies like Intel and their products. Yes, a critical stance could jeopardise preferential access to future product launches. But is that more important than journalistic integrity?

Let’s be brave and report on technology in a holistic way, regardless of the possible consequences. Only in this way can we provide real value to our readers.

NPU and AI are important new key technologies, and those who are not on board will miss the boat. Disruption is not stopping at the big technology companies.

Best regards,
hentzchenklein 134 days ago
hentzchenklein has registered
Focus: Server in general - User group: Application Specialist.
aqui 135 days ago
3 commentsSolved
Comment: Cisco AIR-CAP1532I-E-K9 SAP Image (Autonomus) download ?
Congrats! 👏👍
Telereader 135 days ago
3 commentsSolved
Comment: Cisco AIR-CAP1532I-E-K9 SAP Image (Autonomus) download ?
Hi Folks,

everything is fine now. I have installed the K9W7 (autonomous) image and did the config via the CLI.
AP works perfectly.

Thanks for your comments.
Was very helpful.

BStockinger 137 days ago
BStockinger has registered
Focus: Server in general - User group: Researcher.
Bhanu01 137 days ago
Bhanu01 has registered
Focus: E-Commerce and Online Marketing - User group: Marketing.
aqui 141 days ago
3 commentsSolved
Comment: Cisco AIR-CAP1532I-E-K9 SAP Image (Autonomus) download ?
Sometimes it helps to search for the partial filename "ap1g3-k9w7". Otherwise you need to sign a cheap one year support contract to download it from the Cisco portal.
Further informations also here:
Cisco WLAN access point 1142N and 2702, 3702 for SoHo use
Telereader 141 days ago
Question3 commentsSolved
Cisco AIR-CAP1532I-E-K9 SAP Image (Autonomus) download ?
Dear Community,

I have go an AIR-CAP1532i-E-K9 Access Point with the lightweight image installed.
I would like to install the SAP (autonomus) image.
Since this AP is EOL and there is no active service contract, I was not able to download the SAP image file (ap1g3-k9w7-tar.153-3.JK11.tar).
This AP is used for educational purposes only.
Anybody here, who is able to assist on this ?

Thank you

Best Regards

SohnHamburgs 148 days ago
SohnHamburgs has registered
Focus: Technical Support and Helpdesk Management - User group: Administrator.
Dani 151 days ago
New VDI solution for Teams on AVD and Windows 365 environments
Today Microsoft is excited to announce that the new VDI solution for Teams on Azure Virtual Desktops/Windows 365 environments is generally available.

As explained in our previous blog, this new architecture brings the Teams’ user experience to a closer alignment between physical and virtual desktops.

By introducing a new media engine (same one used by the Teams native Windows app) that is decoupled from the Remote Desktop client, and always up to date, we can introduce features faster without requiring VDI infrastructure upgrades.

As part of the release activities, we wanted to provide an F.A.Q based on all the interactions we had with customers during the public preview phase, so all IT Admins can benefit from this curated summary of typical questions.

Read more: Link

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max 164 days ago
1 comment
Comment: Bifurcation Mode on HP Elitedesk Model?
Here are some HP models that support this:

HP EliteDesk 800 G5 Mini PC:
Supports PCIe bifurcation
Has a PCIe x16 slot (when using the expansion slot kit)
Available with Intel processors

HP ProDesk 600 G5 Mini PC:
Similar capabilities to the EliteDesk 800 G5
May have bifurcation support (would need to be confirmed with HP)

HP EliteDesk 705 G5 Mini PC:
AMD Ryzen processor options
PCIe x16 slot available with expansion slot kit
Bifurcation support may vary (check with HP)> HP EliteDesk 800 G5 Mini PC:

P.S. I recommend contacting HP business support directly to confirm the exact capabilities of these models with your intended setup.

MirkoKR 166 days ago
Comment: Small PC with 4 NVME Disks as a truenas
Regarding the Intel PCIe3 4-Slot [Raid] Card it maybe necessary to extend the Intel-Mainboard with the Raid-Addon-Chip 🤔

I have an Intel Hyper-V V2 PCIe3 4xM2-Card habing tobextrndvmy Mainboard ...

... but never did so, its still unused in my Shelf 🤩