Formatting instructions in the posts

back-to-topStandard text formatting

Input Output
//italic text// italic text
**bold text** bold text
//**Text italic and bold**// Text italic and bold
{{Teletype Text}} Teletype Text
@@--- Text crossed out +++ Text underlined @@ Text crossed outText underlined
@@--- Text only crossed out @@ Text only crossed out
@@+++ Text only underlined @@ Text only underlined
^^Text with small font size^^ Text with small font size

back-to-topNo formatting

If you do not want to execute the character instructions for the standard text formatting, you have the following option:

 This //text// will be **formated**.
``This //text// will not be **formated**.``
This text will be formated.
This //text// will not be **formated**.


##red|This Text is red,## but not this one.
This example shows a ###ff9933|text in orange.##

This Text is red, but not this one.
This example shows a text in orange.

back-to-topHorizontal ruler

Just enter four hyphens (-) without spaces at the beginning of a line.

back-to-topAdd graphics or pictures

When you create a post or comment, you can upload any number of images in JPEG, JPG or PNG format and insert them into the text. To do this, simply click on the camera or photo symbol on the toolbar of the edit field. You can also upload images from your clipboard using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + V in your post.
Single images must not be larger than 8 MB.

After uploading, you can use the image code to position the image exactly in the post. To do this, move the cursor to the position where you want the image to appear. Then click on the plus symbol next to the image to automatically insert the image code at the current position in the text. You can check the position using the preview.

If you do not position the image(s), they will automatically appear at the end of the text.

An example using the image code

[[image ceabd0409bed46e26a439b5f39e9e5d1]]

You can only add add images which were uploaded in the same post. Images from foreign posts on this board will automatically be removed by our system when saved to prevent invalid links in the future.

If you want to write a text for the image that is also positioned like the image, you can use the following element:


back-to-topSmileys / Emoticons / Well-known SMIDs

face-smile SMIDgenerally known as ... Code
face-smile Smiley smiling face, expression of joy :-)
face-cool face-cool i am cool 8-|
face-devilish face-devilish devil >:-)
face-plain face-plain i will not say anything this time :-|
face-wink face-wink wink / naughty grin ;-)
face-kiss face-kiss kiss :-*
face-sad face-sad sad :-(
face-monkey face-grin grin cat :-(|)
face-crying face-crying shedding a tear :’(
face-big-smile face-laugh LOL, laughing out loud :-D
face-surprise face-surprised surprising :-0

More information: Which emojis are recognized by our system?.

back-to-topURLs and internal linking

back-to-topURL with title


back-to-topInline URL

back-to-topYouTube Video embedding

Simply enter der ID of the video after the colon [youtube:ID_of_Video]. The video will be shown instead. Sample: [youtube:YxdlYFCp5Ic] would show the video directly in the post. All languages will be supported.

back-to-topInternal linking of posts

[content:Permanent-ID Text] - You can find the "Permanent-ID" at the end of the url. "Text" is optional. If no text was given, the original title of the post will be used.  
Sample: [content:933b98860f81dab70bc4b8a3b36eddb4]
Drucken unter TS2000

back-to-topInternal linking of users

[user:Mitglieder-ID] - You can find the user. id on the profile page of the user. The username of the user will be used for the link.

Sample: [user:1]

@username - Or simply enter an @ sign in front of the username and the name will be linked to the user profile.

Sample: @admtech

back-to-topTable of Contents

With [[toc]] you can create a table of contents from the individual heading levels

back-to-topHeading Levels

You can increase the indention of the headings by using the header levels

+++ Heading Level 3
++++ Heading Level 4
+++++ Heading Level 5
++++++ Heading Level 6
+++++++ There is no level 7

back-to-topHeading Level 3

back-to-topHeading Level 4
back-to-topHeading Level 5
back-to-topHeading Level 6
There is no level 7

back-to-topText blocks / Quotes

This is normal text
> This is a text block. The "greater sign" defines the start    
> Now you can  write some text
> until the block is finished
> Here another block.
>> Additional sub levels ar possible
Without the "greater sign" the block stops.  

Back to normal Text

This is normal text
This is a text block. The "greater sign" defines the start
Now you can write some text
until the block is finished

Here another block.
Additional sub levels ar possible
Without the "greater sign" the block stops.

Back to normal Text

Additional information for quoting: Quoting posts

back-to-topList elements


* Bulletpoint one
 * Bulletpoint two
  • Bulletpoint one
    • Bulletpoint two

back-to-topNumbered lists

# Number one
# Number two
 # Number etc.
  # Number etc.
  1. Number one
  2. Number two
    1. Number etc.
      1. Number etc.

back-to-topNumbered lists and bulletpoints together

# Number one
 * Bullet
 * Bullet
# Number two
 * Bullet
 * Bullet
  * Sub-bullet
   # Sub-sub-number one
   # Sub-sub-number two
# Number three
 * Bullet
  1. Number one
    • Bullet
    • Bullet
  2. Number two
    • Bullet
    • Bullet
      • Sub-bullet
        1. Sub-sub-number one
        2. Sub-sub-number two
  3. Number three
    • Bullet


: Point 1 : This is a great definition
: Point 2 : What you should always have known ...
Point 1
This is a great definition

Point 2
What you should always have known ...


Two vertical lines are used to create one table cell. Examples:

|| cell one || cell two ||
|| cell four || cell five ||
|| cell six || here's a very very very very very long cell ||  

with header

||~ header 1 ||~ header 2 ||
|| dummy text 1 || dummy text 2  ||

align left, center or right

||< left ||= center ||> right ||
|| The quick brown || fox jumps over || the lazy dog. ||

cell one cell two
cell four cell five
cell six here's a very very very very very long cell

with header

header 1 header 2
dummy text 1 dummy text 2

align left, center or right

left center right
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

back-to-topAdditional formatting instructions

The following instructions are helping to tweak the behavior inside tables.

e.g. inside a field "|| text ||" you cannot press "enter" to create a new line  

But you can by using || Line1 %%return%% Line2 ||

Line 1
Line 2
Test table

%%return%% creates a "<br>" tag   
%%space%% creates a space character " "  

back-to-topSource code or HTML snippets

With the use of code tags you can place source code in original formatting (spacing, indention, special characters,etc.) in the post.
To use them the code has to be placed inside the code-tags like in the following example:

With the special attribute type=xxx" the block will show code highlighting for the programming language
At the moment there are "php", "html" and "plain".
Our library also will try to detect the used programming language.

function safeHTML($str) {
  $approvedtags = array(
    "p"=>2,   // 2 means accept all qualifiers: <foo bar>
    "b"=>1   // 1 means accept the tag only: <foo>

Result will look like:

function safeHTML($str) {
  $approvedtags = array(
    "p"=>2,   // 2 means accept all qualifiers: <foo bar>  
    "b"=>1   // 1 means accept the tag only: <foo>  


By using <code type="php">sourcecode</code> the code can by displayed in PHP color highlighting.

<code type="php">
function safeHTML($str) {
  $approvedtags = array(
    "p"=>2,   // 2 means accept all qualifiers: <foo bar>
    "b"=>1   // 1 means accept the tag only: <foo>

Result looks like:

function safeHTML($str) {
  $approvedtags = array(
    "p"=>2,   // 2 means accept all qualifiers: <foo bar>  
    "b"=>1   // 1 means accept the tag only: <foo>  


By using <code type="plain">text result or other code</code> the result can be displayed like source code but without line numbering:

This could be the result

back-to-topHow to mark AI content

You can use <ai source=''></ai> to mark AI content. This helps to distinguish AI content from human content. Sample:

I'm Claude, an AI assistant created by Anthropic. I aim to be direct and transparent in my interactions. I can help with a wide variety of tasks including writing, analysis, math, coding, and thoughtful discussion. What would you like assistance with?

Here is the code for it:

<ai source='Claude' prompt='What are you?'>I'm Claude, an AI assistant created by Anthropic. I aim to be direct and transparent in my interactions. I can help with a wide variety of tasks including writing, analysis, math, coding, and thoughtful discussion. What would you like assistance with?</ai>