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Software Freedom Conservancy: Give Up GitHub

The Software Freedom Conservancy urges developers in the open source community to completely abandon the services of the code hosting site Github.

The main reasons are the new tool introduced by the owner Microsoft Copilot (that can automatically add or create code via AI) and the fact that Github is a completely proprietary service. The legal situation regarding "Copilot" and the use across the individual license terms is not clarified.

The warning is only about the GitHub service and not about the Distributed version control system: git.
git is a open-source project.

back-to-topIs there an alternative?

With git itself you can store complete Git repositories remote via ssh on your own computers or servers, you don't need GutHub for that. GitHub is an easy to use web interface for this. The Software Freedom Conservancy plans to report on other alternatives in the future.

If you know a good open source alternative for GitHub, feel free to post it here.

Content-ID: 3260501431


Printed on: February 23, 2025 at 07:02 o'clock